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did you know?

Over 10% of Evanstonians identify as Asian American?

The first Asian American on record living in Evanston is in the late 1800's?

There are over 70 Asian-owned businesses in Evanston?

Northwestern University's 2nd largest racial demographic of students is Asian?

Evanston is part of Cook County's 13th District which has the highest population of Asian Americans in the state of Illinois?

There is no historical archive, documentation, photographs, or artifacts that serve as cultural preservation or evidence of existence of the Asian American community in Evanston over the past 150 years?

There are still no spaces, services, or supports that reflect or address the needs of the

Asian American community in Evanston?


Asian Art & Culture in Evanston

Discover the work of local Asian American artists, writers, performers, chefs and creatives of in our community.


Asian-Owned Businesses in Evanston

Shops, salons, galleries and restaurants, there are over 70 Asian-owned businesses in the city of Evanston.

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